My ultra-minimalist website: Taking things a giant step further with Hugo and Cloudflare Workers

Posted on: Monday, Dec 28, 2020 - Reading time: 9 minutes.


The web is bloated. It’s a fact, and you probably experience this issue daily, with pages awfully slow to load, even on a good internet connection, or websites quietly killing your cellphone data plan. This is in great part due to the use of larger and larger images, huge javascript libraries, complex frameworks, and embed fonts. The direct consequence is a poor user experience, but even more problematic is the resulting massive environmental impact.

I work hard to fight this problem with my own clients daily by implementing modern tools and good development practices. But right here, on my own website, the possibilities are infinite! This is my very own test bench for new technologies. I was one of the first websites to use HTTP/2 a couple years ago with a web server I had to compile myself. My goal is always to offer an ultra-minimalistic experience, blazingly fast load times, excellent scores to popular benchmarks, and an environmental impact as low as possible.

Lately, I’ve been using WordPress 5.6, with an extremely minimal template (without any fonts, scripts, or libraries). My images were compressed and served either in WebP or SVG format, and I used lots of tweaks on my server to offer the best possible experience to my visitors (HTTP/2, Gzip, HSTS preloading, etc)

In 2019, I switched to OVH, one of the greenest hosting providers in Canada, which offers an extremely energy-efficient datacenter powered by hydroelectricity. I chose a VPS because I needed absolute freedom to tweak every possible configuration file, and install the software I wanted (Because hosting providers are extremely conservative, I always had to beg or wait months for things as simple as a PHP update).

The decision to use a VPS came at an environmental cost. While it provided me with absolute freedom when it came to server configuration, it meant that I was using resources even when nobody was visiting my website. It pained me to know that a whole operating system was running 24/7… just for my tiny minimalist website! Plus, I had 20GB of storage and around 600MB of RAM reserved at OVH all this time. That didn’t seem like a very good usage of resources.

While pages were extremely light (a couple kBs each), WordPress was using of 190MB of storage. The whole setup used 3.1GB out of the 20GB offered by OVH.

The homepage on Dec. 27
Initial situation - The homepage on Dec. 27 (GTMetrix)
The whole website on Dec. 27
Initial situation - The whole website on Dec. 27 (File Manager)

It was time for a change…

Step 1 - Slimming down the website: From WordPress to Static with Hugo

The obvious decision was to switch from WordPress to a static website. I had the chance to play with Hugo on a recent project and absolutely loved the ease of use and the option to create pages and articles using Markdown instead of HTML. It keeps gaining in popularity, and it is extremely efficient.

It took me 2 hours to migrate my small website to Hugo. Here are the steps I followed on my OVH server:

A couple hugo commands later, my website was running perfectly! After checking that all my links were working fine, I decided to delete my WordPress install and copy the Hugo folders to the root of the website. Because there are no databases, redirections, or URL rewriting rules, this process took two minutes and was extremely easy.

Here are the results!

The homepage on Dec. 28
The homepage on Dec. 28 (GTMetrix)
The whole website on Dec. 28 (File Manager)
The whole website on Dec. 28 (File Manager)

Step 2 - Going serverless with Cloudflare workers

Switching to a static website was the perfect opportunity to try Cloud Workers. Instead of having my own server, I would publish my website to a service able to replicate my tiny website to multiple servers around the world and serve this website when needed.

Not having a dedicated or virtual server comes with a lot of advantages.

After hours of research, I settled on Cloudflare. I was already familiar with the functionalities offered (for free!) when you subscribe to the service (A free SSL certificate, relatively good SSL configuration options, HTTP/2, HTTP/3, etc). The main reason that made me choose their service is that they have a team of passionate people dedicated to making new technologies available as soon as they are available. They were one of the first companies to offer TLS1.3 back in 2016. They were also one of the first companies to make HTTP/3 available to all their customers in September 2019. It is really important to me because I know that even if I don’t have a VPS to compile a new version of Nginx/OpenSSL to play with new tech on my website, their service will still allow me to enjoy it.

The whole process of creating a worker and publishing a website took me one hour:

This process took 10 minutes, but I spent much more time trying to figure out why my website wasn’t accessible after publishing (SSL protocol error). As it turns out, creating a route from the domain name to the Cloudflare Worker does not automatically adjust the DNS zone. I ended up finding a forum post indicating that users are supposed to create a DNS entry with an IP in a certain range. The recommended address was

I also had to create a Page Rule to redirect the non-www traffic to

After these adjustments, my website was accessible and ready to benchmark… Hold on to your hats!

The homepage on Dec. 28 afternoon (GTMetrix): Major improvements!
The homepage on Dec. 28 afternoon (GTMetrix): Major improvements!

Wow, that is fast! I knew I would gain a little by switching to a static website on a Worker, but I never imagined it would be 50%! When analyzing the connection steps via GTMetrix, I realized that the SSL connection times were much smaller than on my VPS. This is logical because of the use of both edge computing, and because the DNS zone and the Worker are both managed by Cloudflare, at the same location, with probably a lot of optimization! The SSL connection that took 130ms in the past now takes only 17.7ms!

Fast SSL connection speed on GTMetrix
Fast SSL connection speed on GTMetrix

The results! Before and after

The switch to serverless brought a long list of improvements:

GTMetrix results at each step of the switch (Initial situation, with Hugo, with Hugo and Cloudflare Worker (Not to scale)
GTMetrix results at each step of the switch (Initial situation, with Hugo, with Hugo and Cloudflare Worker (Not to scale)
Homepage size3.03KB2.24KB-26.1%
Homepage fully loaded time (GTMetrix)351ms160ms-54.4%
Homepage network load time (GTMetrix)273ms59ms-78.4%
Number of files used by the website624479-98.7%
Disk space used by the website190MB380KB-99.8%
Total disk space dedicated to run the website* (Includes OS and software)3.1GB380KB-99.9%

* “After” not taking into account the disk space used by the Worker’s software, shared between all users.

What is left to improve

Qualys SSL Labs - Cipher suites test results. GCM should be preferred over CBC
Qualys SSL Labs - Cipher suites test results. GCM should be preferred over CBC


While the whole process was extremely fast and easy, it is far from being accessible to junior devs and enthusiasts who’d like to easily set up a static website. I would love to see Cloudflare offering a “mini-websites” service similar to workers, but easier to use. I think way more people would be inclined to develop small static websites if they could upload their files directly in their Cloudflare dashboard without the use of an API or command-line functions.

In the meantime, Hugo + Workers seem to be the perfect solution for devs wishing to reduce their static website’s environmental footprint and drastically improve page load times. It was a pleasure to write this article entirely in Markdown, and I cannot wait to keep improving my website with the tools Hugo offers.

This article is not sponsored by anyone. Used in this article: GTMetrix, Hugo, Cloudflare Workers, Qualys SSL Labs

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