Website ethical commitments

Posted on: Monday, Dec 28, 2020 - Reading time: 4 minutes.

Ethical commitments

The web has become a slow, bloated mess thanks to the increase in popularity of embed fonts, ready-to-use website frameworks, huge javascript libraries, and user tracking. Most developer choose these tools because they are easy to use, but in return, each tool contributes to ever-increasing page sizes and datacenter power demand all around the world.

These graphs from the HTTP Archive project paint a very dire portrait of the situation. The increase of page size over the years is absolutely crazy and unsustainable.

This website is an answer to that issue. It is my very own test bench for technologies, software and best practices to offer pages that load extremely fast, use strong security, and have the smallest possible footprint on this environment. Oh, and did I mention the whole website fits on a standard 3.5" floppy?

Feel free to use this page as a checklist for building/improving your own website, and don’t hesitate to contact me if you think I could add more things to the list. Let’s make the web faster, greener, and more secure… one website at a time!

This website (all pages and resources) weighs 411Kib (Last updated - 2022-05-03)
The homepage weighs 2.65KB (Last updated - 2022-05-03)

This website and I are Carbon-Negative. Read more

Commitment 1: Choose hosting and technologies that have a very low environmental impact

This web page is cleaner than 100% of web pages tested by Web Site Carbon
Less carbon emissions
βœ“Test it here
The website is certified green by The Green Web Foundation
Less carbon emissions
βœ“Test it here
The operating system and software used to run the website are up-to-date
More efficient use of energy
βœ“This website is hosted by Cloudflare’s Workers, which uses bleeding-edge tech and optimizes the use of resources - Source
Content is placed as close as possible to the majority of the website’s visitors
Less hops = less devices = less energy consumed
βœ“This website is hosted by Cloudflare’s Workers, which place contents as close as possible to visitors, no matter where in the world they are located.
HTTP/2 with ALPN is used to serve content
Efficient connection, reduced latency, less energy used
βœ“Test it here
HTTP/3 is used to serve content
Efficient connection, reduced latency, less energy used
βœ“Test it here
Content is compressed using gzip
Faster load times, less energy used
Optional - The website does not use server resources when nobody visits it
Less energy used
βœ“Because of the way Cloudflare Workers are built, and because this website only serves static files, resources are used only when a page is visited. - Source
Optional - Content is deployed once and served as static pages
No code processor, no database = Less energy used
βœ“This website serves static HTML files generated by Hugo.

Commitment 2: Aim for the lowest possible page/content size to reduce the website's footprint and offer fast load times

Images are served in modern, efficient formats (AVIF, WebP)
Smaller footprint, faster load times
βœ“Each image is displayed using the “picture” tag, and has 2 versions available: WebP and AVIF. JPEG is removed now that the latest versions of all major browsers support WebP.
Images are obsessively compressed to reduce page size
Smaller footprint, faster load times
βœ“Lossy compression was used when converting images
The website doesn’t use any embed fonts
Smaller footprint, faster load times
The website avoids the use of javascript and javascript frameworks
Smaller footprint, faster load times
βœ“Zero fonts
The quantity of code (HTML/CSS) is reduced to the minimum
Smaller footprint, faster load times
βœ“Zero scripts
The code is aggressively minimized
Smaller footprint, faster load times
The website does not implement code to support old/deprecated browsers
Smaller footprint, faster load times

Commitment 3: Offer the best security / encryption to visitors

The website only serves content using HTTPSβœ“HTTP > HTTPS redirection is in place.
TLS1.3 is used to ensure the best possible securityβœ“Test it here
Old versions of TLS/SSL are disabled (<=TLS1.2)βœ“Test it here
DNSSEC is enabledβœ“Test it here
HSTS is enabledβœ“Test it here
HSTS preloading is enabled and active on all major browsersβœ“Test it here
DNS CAA policy is deployedβœ“Test it here
The server key uses Elliptic Curveβœ“Test it here
The website has a strong Content Security Policy and maintains a score of A+ to Mozilla’s Observatory testβœ“Score of 130/100 Test it here
The website uses a firewall to reject bot requests and suspicious requests
Reducing bad requests = less energy used
The website is protected against DDoS attacks
Reducing bad requests = less energy used
This website offers a security.txt file
Standard allwoing to easily contact me to report a security vulnerability
βœ“Follows the proposed RFC standard. Link is also displayed in the footer of the website.

Commitment 4: Offer strong privacy to visitors

The website passes all tests on the Blacklight Website Privacy Inspectorβœ“Test it here
This website offers a strong Privacy Policy to its visitorsβœ“This website’s privacy policy is based on the GDPR principles. It also explains how I process my customer’s personal information outside this website.

Commitment 5: Use open-source software only

This website was built using open-source software only.

Commitment 6: Be accessible

This website was built using open-source software only.

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