
🌱 Carbon-Negative, for a healthier planet

Dec 28, 2020 - Reading time: 2 mn
In: Web, Hosting, Technology, Environment, Minimalism

Determined to compensate more CO2 than emitted since my birth, and contribute to the reforestation of our planet.

My ultra-minimalist website: Taking things a giant step further with Hugo and Cloudflare Workers

Dec 28, 2020 - Reading time: 9 mn
In: Web, Hosting, Technology, Environment, Minimalism

Discovering new tools to drastically reduce the size of my website, and focus on the essentials

Website ethical commitments

Dec 28, 2020 - Reading time: 4 mn
In: Web, Hosting, Technology, Environment, Minimalism

Using bleeding-edge technologies and solutions to get the smallest, greenest, most efficient website possible